Poor People’s Movements

Radnička solidarnost - bratinska blagajna

Editor: Borivoje Andrejic


In the initial period, workers 'solidarity was expressed through free treatment and medicines, in order to gradually constitute today's institutions of health and other types of workers' insurance.


The legal regulation of workers' solidarity, regulated in this book, begins with the Decree "Organization of the Government of Mining, Forestry and Forestry Representatives of the Brotherhood Fund" in 1850, and as early as 1856 it is the "Decree on the supply and support of guardians, lower employees resettled and accommodated in the natural resources department in Majdanpek, their widows and orphans.”


On the basis of the Mining Code of 1866 and its amendments in 1900, the “Rules of the Mining and Brotherhood Fund” were prescribed.


U početnom periodu radnička solidarnost je ispoljavana putem besplatnog lečenja i lekova, da bi se postepeno konstituisale današnje institutcije zdravstvenog i drugih vidova osiguranja radnika.


Zakonska regulativa radničke solidarnosti, sređena u ovoj knjizi, počinje Uredbom »Ustrojenije praviteljstva rudarskih-topačkih i šumskih poslenika kase bratinstva« u 1850. godini, a vec 1856. godine to je "Uredba o snabdevanju i potpomaganju nastojnika, nižih služitelja ponameštenih i nastanjenih prirudarskom zavedeniju u Majdanpeku, njinih udovica i siročađi.


Na osnovu Rudarskog zakonika iz 1866. god. i njegovim izmenama i dopunama u 1900. godini propisana su »Pravila rudarsko-bratinske kase.«


key words: authors/Borivoje Andrejic, Language/Serbo-Croatian, places/Bor, Majdanpek, workers, solidarity, health, insurance, law, family, brootherhood, fund


ključne reči:: autori / Borivoje Andrejić, jezik / srpskohrvatski, mesta / Bor, Majdanpek, radnici, solidarnost, zdravlje, osiguranje, pravo, porodica, bratstvo, fond


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